Sunday, November 11, 2018

Tony Robbins - How To Believe In Yourself | 2018 Motivation

Tony Robbins - How To Believe In Yourself  2018 Motivation

Born in downtown Los Angeles in 1960, Tony Robbins comes from humble beginnings. His stepfather, a former minor league baseball player who was working as a salesman, struggled to get by, and the family often couldn't afford to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas. At a young age, Robbins decided that he wanted to be rich when he grew up, so that he could help people in need. He made his first million at age 24. Two years later, the huge success of his first book 'Unlimited Power' launched him into the mainstream.

Robbins has coached some of the world's most high-profile people, including Oprah Winfrey, Andre Agassi, Bill Clinton, Paul Tudor Jones, Serena Williams, Leonardo DiCaprio, Nelson Mandela, Princess Diana, and Mother Teresa. His six-day "Date with Destiny" seminar costs $5,000 per person, and he regularly gets paid seven figures for one-on-one personal coaching. He's also quietly built an empire. The Anthony Robbins Company isn't just limited to his speaking engagements: it's a diversified group of businesses in industries such as hospitality, education, media production, and business services. The companies reportedly have a combined revenue that is approaching $6 billion a year. Today, Robbins lives in Palm Beach, Florida. "I'm a freak for the ocean," he told Fortune. "It energizes me." His house has a 165,000-gallon infinity pool and a master bedroom that overlooks the ocean. Robbins also owns homes in Palm Springs, California; Sun Valley, Idaho; and the small town in British Columbia where his wife, Sage, grew up. Robbins is known for being a high-energy speaker, and he finds that taking a cold plunge into an ice bath helps him recover from the intensity of his seminars. He also uses a cryotherapy machine to expose his body to –220° F temperatures for three minutes at a time, and avoids alcohol, caffeine, red meat, and chicken. In 2014, Robbins contributed $1 million to the $15 million Global Learning X Prize, which will be awarded to an organization that finds an innovative way to transform learning with technology.

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